lundi 5 avril 2010

Spa Dentaire Laval: Highlight on sleep apnea treatment

Do you often suffer from fatigue? Do you lack concentration or drive? Does your spouse complain that you snore? You may very well have sleep apnea.

SpaDentaireLaval is a specialist in sleep apnea treatment and this disease can be solved with one of our dentists.

According to the Canadian Lung Association, 4% of men and 2% of women suffer from sleep apnea. If you are one of them, the Spa Dentaire Laval team can help you solve this serious problem, which can have major consequences.

Common among snorers, sleep apnea causes 10 to 30-second (and sometimes longer) pauses in breathing. The sleeper may wake up hundreds of times in a night. These interruptions in sleep cause serious fatigue and have various negative effects on the person’s quality of life and health.

A recent study (2005), conducted by Canadian and American researchers, shows that this nocturnal disorder quadruples the risk of stroke. Sleep apnea must therefore be taken seriously.

See you soon,

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